Sunday, November 23, 2008

The bird attack of my dream

Last night I had the strangest dream. The dream itself was rather boring. It was the ending that abruptly woke me up.

Kerry and I were in a conference center or some similar type building with many meeting rooms. We weren't actually attending a conference but were there on some other business. I remember walking past the washrooms and there was huge line up outside the ladies. I don't know why that is. Every event I go to has long line ups for the ladies washrooms. We walked past it and came to a dining room where the students had finished lunch. There was still some people in the room but most had left, presumably the huge line up for the ladies! There was another smaller room off this one and several of the attendees were in there talking to an instructor. For some reason Kerry went into this room to talk to him too.

I was left standing in the nearly deserted lunch room and feeling kind of thirsty. I spotted a couple of those machines that dispense juice or pop on the other side of the room. I was looking at them trying to figure out if they had orange juice or apple juice but I was too far away to see. So I was just making up my mind to walk across the room and check it out when all of a sudden a bird comes flying across the room and lands on my left shoulder and is batting at me with its wings. I'm not sure if it was a sea gull, dove, or pigeon. I remember it was mostly white or grey.

Anyway I woke up then and started yelling at Kerry about the bird in the room and get it out, get it away from me. He told me there was no bird in there. I said a bird just came and got me on my left side, coincidentally the side closest to him. He continues to explain that he's been awake for awhile and no birds have flown into the bedroom.

So then I asked him if he was touching me, brushing my face or something to get me to wake up, but he claims he didn't.

I just hate having those dreams where I wake up suddenly and quickly. It was after 8am and I had to get up anyway, but I sure wish I'd slept a little longer.

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