A few weeks ago I started having a little trouble with my lap top. Nothing too serious but getting some error messages about a software he'd recently installed for a web camera.
Then 2 weeks ago the lap top had trouble starting up. Half an hour, a couple of hours, sometimes I'd turn it on before going to work and by the time I got home 9 hours later it would be on. We took it in to be repaired and after 4 days the technician couldn't figure out what the problem is. Eventually the lap top would come on, usually faster if it was cold. He asked if it was still under warranty. Sadly its 2 years old and the warranty ran out about a year ago. $42 for them to look at it and still not know what's wrong. So I've left the lap top running for the past week I've had it back. I backed up my computer about 3 weeks ago so I knew if they had to reformat it I wouldn't lose anything other than some emails. But since I got the lap top back I went through the emails and saved anything necessary.
Now its a case of contacting HP and couriering the lap top back to them for repairs.
I'll be lost without it. I enjoy sitting in bed with it. I have a nice breakfast tray it sits on. I have my websites I view daily and surf them while watching TV. And my writing. I can't work on anything while the lpa top is out of commission.
But its getting close. Time to shut down and send it to HP.
Ah technology to make our lives simpler and we become slaves to it instead.
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