I remember growing up that I hated mowing the lawn. My father had hay fever, or so he claimed, and so he couldn't mow the lawn. My mother always had me do it, never my brother, always me. He got to stay inside and watch TV. Even when I was gone for several days on a band trip and came home, the first thing she did was send me outside to mow the lawn. It was so embarrassing. Some of the students were still walking home and right by our house where I was mowing the lawn.
We moved to a different house when I was in high school on 1.6 acres and the previous owners sold their riding lawn mower to us. So I was a bit happier about that. Oddly enough my father's hay fever seemed to clear up and he wanted to mow the lawn now too.
But now that I'm older I can appreciate the benefits of a good work out from mowing the lawn. We did have a riding mower but sold it a couple of years ago thinking the lawn, just under a quarter acre, would be manageable with just the push mower. But in this recent heat and going out to mow the lawn I've been wishing we hadn't sold the ride on mower.
Still its not easy going outside when the temperatures are high and I have to remind myself mowing the lawn is excellent exercise.
And I always brew iced tea so its waiting for me when I come back in the house.
Mowing the lawn is the easy part. Its getting those darned weeds in the flower beds under control....
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