Sunday, November 15, 2009

First Christmas song in a store!

And the winner in the first Christmas song I hear in a store goes to the Real Canadian Superstore in Langley.

I was in there yesterday, Saturday Nov 14, and they are playing Christmas songs.

Ironically enough I went in there to buy a food normally associated with Christmas - candy cane ice cream. I wasn't sure if it would be out in the stores yet. My mother used to buy candy cane ice cream every December. But the one sold at the Superstore goes a step further and has a chocolate fudge crackle running through it. I don't always find it because it sells out fast. They didn't have any yesterday, so I don't know if that means its not stocked yet or was and its all sold and they're waiting for more. There was nothing else I wanted to buy there so I left empty handed.

I did see candy cane ice cream (no chocolate in it) at Price Smart Foods in Cloverdale.

I saw Egg Nog for sale in the stores in September. There's something not quite right about drinking egg nog in the summer so I haven't bought any yet. I'll probably buy some in early December and then again closer to Christmas. Kerry makes very nice egg nog lattes so I'll be looking forward to them very soon.

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