Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bylaw officers working 64th Avenue

Over the past few months, on the odd occasion I've received a local newspaper, there are letters written to the editor from people who live on 64th Avenue. I believe from people who live in the condos that are located approximately in the 164 block, across from where the old Bose farm used to be. Their complaints are the large trucks that roar down 64th Avenue. They can't enjoy spending summer days on their patios due to the noise.

These people have a point. There is a no trucks exceeding 10,000 kg (I think, I could have the weight wrong) on 64th Avenue between Fraser Highway and 152 Street. I've seen the sign thousands of times just after I cross the Fraser Highway heading west on 64th. But because I don't drive a big rig, I don't pay much attention to the weight limit. Those trucks should not be speeding along 64th. They should be on Highway 10 or other designated truck routes.

Their complaints to city hall are relatively ignored. They are told there aren't enough bylaw officers to catch the trucks and they're busy doing other things. They were told to take photos of the offending trucks and then sue them in court. What kind of response is that? Yep, our tax dollars are hard at work in Surrey.

This afternoon we were driving east bound on 64th Avenue heading into Langley. Just after the Cloverdale Crossing Mall, across from the skateboard park, we saw two SUV's with emergency lights flashing and a large truck hauling heavy machinery pulled to the side of the road, right about where it begins to be 2 lanes coming up to the mall. At first we thought it was the Department of Highways doing a safety check, but as we got closer we saw the SUV's belonged to the City of Surrey Bylaw Enforcement. I knew right away they were pulling over large trucks and ticketing them for being on a route that has a maximum weight limit for trucks. And just then we see a truck cresting the hill from 180th Street. I watched in my rear view mirror. Yep, a bylaw officer ran on to the street, and signaled the trucker to pull over. Got him!

Caving in to resident complaints? On Wednesday, December 9, our tax dollars were indeed hard at work in Cloverdale. But whoever they caught today was probably only a drop in the bucket.

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