Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Isn't this great weather?

I've been enjoying the warm weather. We were driving around with our car windows open and then the air conditioning on while we were out searching for caches on Valentine's Day.

I've been eyeing my lawn and wondering how soon before I'll need to cut it if this great weather keeps up.

And late this afternoon the winner of the first person in our Cloverdale neighborhood to cut their lawn goes to my next door neighbor.

The question is how far behind will the rest of us be. Mowing the lawn in February? Obscene!

I'll never forget visiting a friend of mine in Los Angeles many years ago. I'd driven down and arrived at her house early December. While we were sitting in the living room chatting I asked her what that noise was, saying it sounded like a lawn mower. She said the neighbor is probably mowing the lawn and looked out the window and confirmed that he was. "Mowing the lawn in December?" I asked. They all laughed at me and told me the grass grows year round in sunny Southern California.

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