Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Former mailbox site becomes Now Newspapers

There used to be a mailbox on the corner of 176th Street and 58th Avenue, in the corner of the grocery store parking lot. Why can't I ever remember the new name of that store? It used to be the Shop-Easy when I was growing up in Cloverdale and that's the only way I can remember it.

Instead of the familiar red bin on the corner there is now a yellow bin. Closer inspection reveals it to be a newspaper box for The Now. Free newspapers of course.

I don't get The Now delivered to my house. Shortly after we moved in I found out the jungle that used to be a backyard, and what we're returning to a nice back yard, was being used as a dumping ground for The Now newspapers. I never actually caught the kid in action but he was tossing stacks of the current edition over the fence into what he thought was an unoccupied house, and I guess it was until we purchased it. I complained to The Now and told them to stop all deliveries of their paper to my house including the ones being tossed over the fence into the back yard. I've never seen it since, though its still the same boy delivering the papers. I assume he actually is now delivering them instead of dumping them. He cuts open the plastic zap straps and leaves them on our side lawn, ironically enough the same location he stood in to toss his papers into the back yard.

Oh well. If anyone desires a free copy of the Now, you know where you can find it.

I'd rather see the mailbox returned here.

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