Sunday, June 20, 2010

Greenaway Park Renovations

A couple of things I've noticed in the past month while driving past Greenaway Park:

1. The swimming pool has had water in it since the beginning of June but so far the pool has either not opened or no one is ever swimming it in when one would think peak times would be (evenings and weekends).

2. There is major excavating going on in the playground area without any signage what's going on. Temporary fencing is up around this area.

I can see replacing playground equipment for safety reasons when it gets outdated but that doesn't require putting a fence up around the playground, just replacing swings and slides as needed over the years. What's happening in Greenaway Park is a pit and heavy equipment digging it. The only playground equipment I see is the monkey bars.

I can't find anything on the City of Surrey's web page which explains the renovations. That playground has served its purpose well since the 1960's and probably earlier. Its been well looked after and has had swings, teeter totters, slide, monkey bars, merry go round, and sand box. What else do you really need in a park this size? And closing the playground when it gets its highest use of the year during the summer?

I'm not sure what the city is doing.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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