Today I was in the backyard doing some painting when I heard the garbage truck and then male voices. I looked up to see 3 garbagemen on the other side of my fence by the apple trees looking for a snack. One of them had snagged a Transparent apple and was eating it. The other two were looking for an apple but they are high up. I told them the Transparents aren't that good and recommended they eat a Gravensteen instead. The Transparents are getting to the end of their season and are over ripening on the tree and falling half rotten to the ground.
But I could see my recommendation wasn't getting through to them, so I helped out by grabbing my apple picker - a net attached to a pole - and passed it over. One of the men snagged two apples for him and his co-worker and they were both happy.
They can help themselves to the Transparents. I don't like them, but my horses do!
I did make some nice apple muffins with the Granvensteens a couple of days ago.
If you're interested in one of those nifty apple picker nets, I bought it at Lee Valley Tools in Coquitlam last year.
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