Saturday, October 23, 2010

Halloween decorated houses

It seems like more and more people are getting into the Halloween spirit and decorating their houses.

I took a couple of night photos of an eerie house using my cell phone but they didn't turn out well enough to put them up here.

If you're up to driving around Cloverdale neighborhoods over the next week, the best decorated houses seem to be a little northeast of downtown.

In the Clover Valley Station subdivision, northeast corner of 184th Street and 64th Avenue there are quite a lot of creatively decorated Halloween themed houses. Of course they're better viewed at night than in the daytime.

In the Clayton Heights area there is a nicely decorated house on the corner of 190th Street and 69A Avenue. Spiders on the walls, a graveyard out front, and when I walked closer inbetween 2 homes is a gate with the grim reaper standing behind it. I almost expected it to be a real person who was going to jump out at me. Maybe that'll happen on Halloween? Go one block east on 69A and 191 and there is another good house to look at with holograms.

Tonight we were driving down 68th Avenue near 191 Street and on the north side is a house with a big spider out front. It must be motion activated because it moved its head when we drove by. Now that could be a little spooky.

Those are the areas I've seen the most Halloween themed houses. Not surprisingly, these are high density neighborhoods, so probably more to do with lots of residents having similar ideas than community spirit.

Have fun.

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