Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Rush hour traffic jam in Cloverdale June 28

There's a bit of a traffic snarl in Cloverdale right now at the intersection of Highway 10 and Highway 15. It appears a semi truck and trailer rig were in the left hand turn lane on Highway 10, ready to turn onto the Cloverdale Bypass and head northbound. Truck stalled.

I heard it on the news so I walked the dogs over. What I saw was another tractor from the same company showed up to assist. They disconnected the trailer and left it there in the left hand turn lane and attached a chain or cable onto the stalled tractor. I guess he was planning to tow it to the parking lot of the old Cloverdale Mall. Light changes and they turn left. Except unfortunately the cable snapped. Sproing! I heard that!

The tractor has now stalled in front of both lanes of Highway 10 traffic heading west. Tractor has not blocked the left hand turn lanes heading south on Highway 15 nor the right hand turn lane that borders the Husky gas station. The crazy thing is drivers start honking. Hmm. I don't think that big truck is going anywhere. Want to get out and help push it?

The driver of the tractor that's mobile pulls over to inspect the situation. I guess there was no resurrecting that chain. He decides to abandon the stalled truck and circles around to collect the trailer that's still in the left hand turn lane.

I walked down Highway 10 and traffic is backed up as far as I can see. When I circled around Cloverdale I saw cars leaving Highway 10 at 176A or 177B Streets and making their way down 57th Avenue so they could get around the stalled truck.

The stalled truck was still there when I walked past 10 minutes later. Perhaps they should call a big tow truck?

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