Wednesday, January 9, 2013

January Update on old Cloverdale Mall Site

A few weeks ago a chain link fence was put around the entire site of the old Cloverdale Mall, including most of the parking lot. Previously the parking lot was accessible and truckers and campers often parked overnight there. There are about a dozen parking spots available that can be accessed from 58th Avenue. Also if you drive down the alley behind the Cloverdale Super Market (old Shop Easy), that parking lot was never fenced in, and there's room for about 20 cars to park there.

That flat deck trailer that was in the parking lot when it got fenced in is no longer there. I didn't see it leave. I don't know if the trucker it belonged to returned for it or if the construction crew called a tow truck.

There is heavy machinery over there and a crew on site. They unlock the gate and park their cars in there and there is a sign stating authorized personnel only and the work saftety gear that must be worn.

So far not to much is going on that I can see. Digging and piles of dirt. Due to the recent dreary weather I haven't walked by but I took the dogs for a walk this morning to check it out. I only had my cell phone camera on me and the picture's not the greatest and blogger has changed how to upload pictures so until I figure that out..... In other words - no picture today.

No word yet when this phase of construction is planned to be complete.

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