Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Blueberry Wars

Kerry phoned me on his way home on Wednesday night and said on the radio traffic there was a protest happening in Cloverdale at Highway 10 and 168th Street. I said it probably had something to do with the blueberries and the propane cannons. Although we live nearby I wasn't piqued enough to go check it out and get stuck in a traffic jam.

In yesterday's Surrey Leader there was a photo and short story. Yes, it had to do with the cannons in the blueberry fields.

A couple of the farmers farm blueberries on the south west corner of the intersection showed up and a shouting match ensued. They've been farming blueberries there for nearly 20 years and using propane cannons the whole time. They blame the recent homeowners who build or buy half a million to million dollar homes in the area and don't do their homework about farms in the area and then complain about it later.

If people are building or buying in the fall and winter months the cannons are silent. Its kind of like people buying a house in Richmond or somewhere else near a flight path and then complaining of the noise.

Growing up around here we had worse to dal with than propane cannons. There was the mushroom farms. Now man that was some stench in the evenings when they were gassing off. Same problem. More people move into the area, complain about the smell, and eventually they shut down either for good or move elsewhere. And who could forget the pig farms? Depending on which way the wind was blowing that aroma would blanket Cloverdale.

Am I the only person in Cloverdale who has invested in earplugs and wears them?

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