Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Cloverdale Library #2

In 1972 a new police station was built in Cloverdale, basically next door to their old building on Highway 10 and 176A Street.

That left the old red brick building vacant and the Cloverdale Library moved into the old police station. And expanded because the old cop shop was much bigger than the tiny library on 58th Avenue and 176A Street.

The young adult section was upstairs and I was regular visitor to the now much larger selection of reading materials. By now my favorite books to read were the Trixie Belden series, but I remember reading other books about teenage girl detectives.

With the expanded library space came tables, chairs, and I think there was also a meeting room. There was more of an archive section too with a microfiche reader and access to old newspapers.

The library remained in this building for a few years, and then it became home to the senior's centre for many years, and now it houses the Surrey Archives.

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