Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bad Drivers out again.

I don't know. Maybe the nice sunny weather is bringing out the bad drivers to Cloverdale today.

This morning just after 10:00 I'm driving down 176th Street heading south to 16th Avenue. I'm in the slower lane doing 80 km, got the cruise control set just in case the cops have a speed trap set up. They like to hang out at 48th and 40th Avenues and closer to 32nd as well. Oddly enough everyone around me in both lanes is going around the speed limit too. Usually I get passed along this stretch like I'm standing still but maybe everyone's thinking the same thing and the cops might be setting up a speed trap today. Too bad they weren't!

As I approach 48th Avenue I glance in my rear view mirror and see a pick up truck driving across the bridge that goes over the train tracks, just gum booting it, flying along. I keep glancing in my rear view mirror and he's weaving in and out of the traffic. Eventually he ends up right behind me riding my ass. If I'd tapped my brakes he'd have hit me. There's a break in the passing lane and he gets in there, speeds up and rides the ass of the car that's in that lane who I estimate is going slightly over 80km, maybe 85km.

But now that he's beside me I can see the company name on the truck. Flynn. This is a roofing company. Website also on truck

The driver is riding the car's ass and is very agressively swerving back and forth in that lane though he never crosses the line. Eventually he manages to weave back into the slow lane to pass him except the car in front of me is going the speed limit so Flynn can't get around the car he's trying to pass in the other lane. Except the car in front of him puts his brakes on and Flynn nearly slams into him and swerves back into the other lane, nearly clipping the car he wants to pass. That would have been a 3 car collision!

By now I am keeping well back because I am sure agressive Flynn is about to cause an accident. Eventually he gets enough room to weave in and out of traffic again and is flying up 176th. The light at 32nd Avenue turns red. Flynn doesn't care whose lives he puts in danger and runs the red light and flies up the hill. I can still see him as I crest the hill turning left on 24th.

I'm guessing he was heading home. I've seen their company on 192nd Street, a couple of blocks down from 24th Avenue.

I just find it incredible that companies allow bad drivers to drive their company vehicles that are well marked with the company name. It is such bad advertising. Obviously Flynn does not have any company procedures in place instructing employees to operate their vehicles in a safe manner.

In a couple of years we'll probably need to replace the roof on our house. I know what company I won't be calling to do the job!

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