Saturday, July 17, 2010

Surrey Leader delivery

Yesterday I received another elusive Surrey leader. In fact I received one this past Wednesday too. That makes more Surrey Leaders received in one week than the rest of the year put together. I saw yesterday's Leader in the mailbox when I was taking the dogs for a walk but I actually ran into the fellow delivering them just down the block and stopped to chat. I asked him if he was new and he said no. His route is in a different Cloverdale neighborhood and he said he's the substitute delivery person. He confirmed his first delivery to our neighborhood was last Friday. I told him that's the first Surrey Leader I've seen since January. He was quite surprised and pulled a little street and house map out of his pocket and asked where I lived. I pointed to my house, the house number is clearly marked on the delivery route. I said I just assumed there'd been no delivery person in our area because from time to time I get a notice in my mailbox that they're looking for paper carriers. He said something's not right. He asked if I'd complained about not receiving a paper and I said no. Its really no big deal to me one way or the other if I get one and I just figured there was no one assigned our route for the past few months.

I can figure this one out. Its happened plenty of times. The delivery person is dumping the newspapers somewhere instead of delivering them. Its quicker that way. And most likely why this person is out of a job. Someone on our neighborhood who actually likes reading the Surrey Leader must have complained they haven't been receiving them. Oh well. Wasn't me. Let's see how long it keeps up.

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