On Tuesday our Internet modem stopped working. We called Telus and after a walk through they determined it was toast and they'd send a new one in 4 to 5 business days.
So we're effectively without Internet. Here it is Thursday and I decide I should find a place with WiFi and check my email. In the past when we've had connection problems I've taken my laptop to the Wired Monk on the hill above Cloverdale, the little strip mall on 64th Avenue and 184th Street but I decided to try the other location in Cloverdale on the corner of 168th Street and 60th Avenue. I've been there in the past for drinks but never taken my laptop so I wasn't sure if they offer wireless Internet there but it doesn't hurt to check. I still don't have the answer. I turned into the parking lot to be greeted by a sign saying due to a burst pipe and cleaning the mess they are closed right now. OK, so off I go to the Monk on the hill.
Had my heart set on a strawberry Italian Soda but changed my mind when I got here and ordered a Creamsicle drink instead. Kind of wish I'd gone with my first choice. Oh, well. May end up getting one this weekend if my new modem doesn't show up tomorrow.
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