Thursday, July 21, 2011

Have an answer for missed garbage pick up on stat holidays for Cloverdale residents

Ah ha! I finally have an answer from the City of Surrey on what options are available for Cloverdale residents on missed garbage collection on statutory holidays when our pick up gets bumped to Saturday.

Harry Janda phoned to tell me they are going to implement one of my suggestions on their website and add the phone number for Emterra for missed pick ups on Saturdays. As he said even though no one at the City of Surrey is working on the weekend, Emterra is open and answering their phones and can dispatch a truck back for a missed pick up.

In the meantime he also suggested Cloverdale residents can phone him on his cell which he answers on weekends to assist residents 778-846-0597. His direct line at the city hall is 604-590-7208 but he's only at work on week days.

So I hope this helps for anyone in Cloverdale wondering what to do if for some reason the garbage truck misses your house to pick up the garbage can.

I still don't have an answer on the city's 10 days reponse time to their website's form and I'm still waiting for a response. Mr Janda does agree that 10 days is unacceptable and doesn't know why this has fallen through the cracks, though its probably what I suspect and that the city staff figures a missed garbage collection is going to resolve itself within the week the next time the truck swings by.

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