A little bit of trivia. My father owned that building in the sixties and sold it in the seventies.
I don't know anything about SOS Security Solutions other than I've seen their office when I'm walking down 176th Street. I use a different security company.
Across the street from us we have what we refer to as the party house. Its a rental - obviously! There were some young men in their 20's there last year and they moved out to a bigger and better party house but they recommended two females they know to the landlord and those girls moved in. Well it wasn't long before their boyfriends moved in and the house became party central. I'm pretty sure all the neighbors have the landlord's phone number to complain about the late night loud parties. Their parties don't bother me. What really bugs me is some guy in a blue Camaro that badly needs a good, quiet muffler!
Nobody in this neighbourhood used to have blocks on their lawns to prevent people from driving on the lawns before those kids moved in and turned it into a party house. One neighbour's lawn was messed up pretty badly by one of those kids peeling out and creating huge ruts. We have concrete parking bumpers along our lawn to keep the partiers off. I think one of those kid's friends didn't see the bumpers and drove over one because it was dragged out of place by several feet. Those things are heavy, over 100 pounds, and about 6' long. You couldn't see that?!
The landlord was over there a couple of weeks ago and came over to talk to us when he saw us working in our yard. He told us he was getting ready to evict them when they told him they're leaving at the end of July. He's still trying to collect their rent but that's his problem. We told him we suspected they were going to have one last good party before they left. We've seen them moving stuff all month. Just how much stuff do they have in that little house anyway?!
This past Saturday night they had an eviction party. There were cars all over the street and they were pretty loud. I was watching TV after midnight so they weren't bothering me but I could see how their next door neighbor with 5 children under age 8 would be a little ticked. The following morning the house was toilet papered.
One of the partiers arrived in a van plastered with SOS Security Solutions advertising. He - or she I didn't see the driver - parked it on our neighbour's lawn. That's always nice. At least its dry right now so couldn't cause much damage but I bet the driver didn't ask the house owner's permission to park there before going over to the party house. It was still there on Sunday morning so I'm assuming the driver had too much to drink and did the responsible thing by not driving the van home.
That's the picture of the SOS van above parked on the neighbour's lawn with the party house in the background. Talk about great advertising! Does SOS Security Solutions not care where their employees park their vehicles and that they're driving them to and from parties instead of using the company van for business purposes?
A company I used to work for had company vans with our company name well advertised on them that were assigned to the staff members who drove them for maintenance calls. They had to keep them at their houses instead of at the office in case they were on call and there was an emergency and they had to leave ASAP. Also sometimes that day's schedule may have included a call to a location closer to their home and they would start there instead of coming in to the office first. They were not allowed to use the vans for personal business. Just to and from their house, the office, and to service calls. Many companies have a similar policy especially when there may be times for after hours emergencies and dispatching service calls directly from the employee's house. Otherwise they don't want their staff driving a well advertised company vehicle to somewhere that might give them bad advertising.
There was that very sad story in the news in May of the 22 year old woman who was driving home from a baseball game at the Cloverdale Athletic Park and was killed by a drunk driver. The woman driving the van fled on foot but was captured a short time later. She was driving a van that said Precision Restorations on it. Like there's a big clue to the police! If they couldn't find the driver one phone call to the boss would have told them who was in control of the van. Apparently Precision Restorations has a company policy that their vans are only to be used for business purposes and they did not have any service calls that night and there was no reason for their employee to be driving it. They fired her for violation of company policy. That was probably the easy way out for them. Very sad.
At least the driver of the SOS Security Solutions left their van parked all night on the neighbor's lawn instead of getting behind the wheel.
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